Stuart has faced many traumas through his life including being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at a young age, he is estranged from his father and started taking drugs and drinking from a young age.
His alcohol and drug use led him to being associated with people also using substances and criminal behaviour.
In 2018, Stuart left prison after a 15-year sentence for robbery and since then has been homeless, sofa surfing or living in temporary accommodation facing homelessness.
The traumas in Stuart’s life have affected his mental and physical health including self-harming.
Greater Manchester Housing First has supported Stuart to find his own independent assured tenancy within three months.
Although the property wasn’t in his preferred area, it was newly-carpeted, painted and came with a new cooker, fridge/freezer and washing machine.
With a voucher from a local charity, Stuart was able to buy some essentials including a sofa, dining room table and chairs, crockery and cooking pans.
Stuart is still facing some challenges but with our support is engaging more with services including his MS nurse, mental health and drug and alcohol treatment services.
Stuart is determined to maintain his tenancy and plans to look for volunteering opportunities in his local area.