The Partnership
The Greater Manchester Housing First (GMHF) Programme is a partnership of 11 organisations. The programme is
co-ordinated by a Central Team at Great Places Housing Association, with the support of zonal delivery teams across Greater Manchester.
How the partnership works
Each zone has a Housing First team comprising of a Zone Lead, Team Leads, and Housing First Workers. The Zone Lead has overall responsibility for the services delivered in that zone. Team Leads and Housing First Workers deliver bespoke support to people on the programme, which are aligned with the 7 Housing First Principles. The teams also have a Dual Diagnosis practitioner who provides mental health, physical health and substance misuse support to staff and people on the programme.
Housing First Workers have limited caseloads of 5-7 people, to allow for intensive and flexible support to be provided.

Our partners
Click on the links below to find out a little more about each partner
The partnership is based on the following principles
Cross sectoral
Partnership incorporating housing, health services, the community and voluntary sector and people with lived experience.
An open and fair service that treats the people we support, colleagues, and partners as equals.
Local capacity building
Good practice sharing, training and continuous improvement culture.
People with lived experience at the heart of model design and will continue to lead its development
High Fidelity
Aligned to the seven Housing First principles ensuring improved outcomes for people.