As the Greater Manchester Housing First pilot progresses over its three-year cycle, we’ll be using it as a continuous learning experience.
This is not only to ensure we learn and adapt the project as we encounter challenges, but it’s to ensure this learning is captured for the benefit of future projects.
One of the overarching aims of the HF pilots is to provide a blue print for the delivery of a High Fidelity Housing First intervention in an English context.
Izabela Jamrozik, from ICF, is the embedded researcher for the GMHF pilot. Here she spells out her role.
“I am delighted to be the Embedded Researcher for Greater Manchester Housing First Pilot and to be part of the evaluation of the impact the program is expected to have on lives of people who are supported by it.
“The evidence gathered through the research will inform discussions about the future of funding of Housing First in England.
“The Housing First Pilot Evaluation is delivered by an independent social research organisation ICF and has been commissioned by Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) in Manchester, Liverpool and West Midlands.
“A dedicated researcher has been based with the delivery teams in each area to offer independent and consistent assistance with evidence gathering from people supported by the program throughout the duration of the Pilot. Our roles will enable us to meet with those who agree to take part every six months for follow up research interviews.
“Working alongside the Pilot has given me the opportunity to develop positive relationships with teams and people who they support, and to maximise the scope of delivering good research practice to those with overwhelmingly negative and inconsistent experience of contact with statutory services.
“I’ve been also working closely with the co-production panel, those wit lived experience, and other local partners to ensure compatibility with Housing First principles and high-fidelity standards.
“Feedback from the Lived Experience panels, teams, and local partners across all three Pilot areas have informed the current shape of the Baseline Interview and the delivery method which is striving to reflect the Housing First ethos and the importance of working together in a trauma informed approach.
“My first interviews with people supported by the Pilot went well and I am really looking forward to talking to more participants!
“Since starting the role, I have been spending time with Housing First Workers from all the zones and getting to know some of the people they have been supporting.
“I have met some really inspiring individuals and witnessed some incredible work and real change in people’s circumstances what made me believe even stronger in the importance of evidencing this impact!”