The Greater Manchester Housing First pilot is helping to support some of the most vulnerable people in the region.

As of October 28, we had permanently rehoused 149 people, with 70 people being in permanent accommodation between six months and a year and a further 20 have been in their home for more than a year.
The pilot is currently seeing an 89 per cent tenancy sustainment rate.
Please see a statistical breakdown of the state of the pilot (correct as of Oct 28):
Key Indicators
No. on the programme 264
No. into permanent accommodation - cumulative 149
No. currently in perm accommodation 132
Number currently in bridging accommodation 89
Number rough sleeping 23
Other (sofa surfing, rehab, prison, hospital, MH unit etc.) 20
The numbers of people rough sleeping number is increasing due to new referrals being made to the programme.
Housing Outcomes
Housed between 0 and 1 month 11
Housed between 1 month and 6 months 31
Housed between 6 months and 1 year 70
Housed between 1 year and 2 years 20
Graduated 1
The majority of the people on the pilot are aged between 20 and 49 with 67 per cent of participants are male, 32 per cent are female and one per cent are classed as other.
And of the support needs, the majority of needs are based around mental health issues, drug misuse and dual diagnosis but also a lot cases concerning a history of offending and physical health issues.