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In the spotlight - Early Break

Following the addition of four new organisations to the GMHF Pilot, we asked them to introduce themselves to discover more about them.

In this edition, the spotlight is on Early Break.

Early Break, established in 1994, is commissioned across Greater Manchester to support young people and families and provide structured interventions to address holistic needs which are rooted in a person-centred theory.

We reach the most vulnerable communities, particularly those with multiple complex needs. Our service offer varies by geographical area and funding but include:

  • 1:1 Advocacy support - for young people (YP) around substance misuse and wider complexities.

  • Holding Families programme - provides ‘whole family’ support for children/family members affected by parental substance misuse, championing the voice of the child/children and empowering families to make positive decisions/improve family life.

  • Holding Families+ programme- supports children whose substance dependent parents are in prison/or criminal justice services and offers a whole family approach.

  • Holistic Therapies – offered as part of treatment intervention includes aromatherapy/ acupuncture/Indian Head Massage/Electro Stimulation Therapy (EST).

  • Mindfulness – offered for young people 5+ years to improve the ability to be fully present and pay attention, calm down/make better decisions.

  • Bereavement & Loss Counselling– specialist counsellors support children and YP 5+ years struggling with a significant loss, promote resilience and improve long-term mental wellbeing.

  • Closing the Gap (transitional support) – engaging YP aged 16-25yrs to support their substance misuse and emotional health. Identifying and supporting those that do not meet the statutory service thresholds and encouraging the development of self-help and independent living skills.

  • Early Intervention/Outreach – delivering assertive outreach on the streets where we screen YP and identify safeguarding concerns, offer safety messages and response.

  • Getting Help Line - a helpline offering non-urgent support for anyone experiencing low level emotional health and wellbeing difficulties. The helpline is available to Bury residents of all ages.

  • Accredited Training - Early Break has developed a range of training courses/bespoke training packages and address new and emerging trends in the field of substance misuse and the supporting complex needs of young people and families.

Vicky Maloney, CEO of Early Break said, “I’d like to thank GMHF for giving us the opportunity to work together in unison and bring our experience into this arena.

“We believe we have a high degree of synergy with the principles of GMHF that we want to share. “Partnership development is fundamental to making this work for service users and we will work cohesively, flexibly and supportively throughout.

"We are passionate, committed and focused on the challenge ahead.”

For more information, visit their website HERE


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