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Legislative Theatre - the encore

To watch a recording of the performance, click HERE

You may recall our co-production performance of "You know where the door is" back in October that sought to bring about systemic change in the way services are delivered to people that use them

The performance attracted an audience from across the UK and even Europe and the US as professionals came together in their quest to bring about the system change that is so badly needed.

At the end of the performance, there were a number of workshops with the audience that generated policy change ideas for further discussion and investigation following the event:

These were:

  • Normalise and promote dual diagnosis and realign commissioning (TOP AUDIENCE PRIORITY)

  • Introduce a No Surprises policy, and continue to improve staff training

  • Good Landlord scheme

  • Budget ring-fenced for community-designed neighbourhood building

The policy/practice ideas were discussed at the GMHF board meeting on November 10 and then a further meeting was held (virtually) with the actors and policy makers to discuss and plan further action:

Here’s what came out:

Normalise and promote dual diagnosis and realign commissioning (TOP AUDIENCE PRIORITY)

The main points that came out in terms of progressing this area were:

Firstly, to raise the profile of the Dual Diagnosis Practioners and good practice/learning being captured to inform staff about how this feeds into support options and to do a general comms campaign on Dual Diagnosis

It was also discussed on how we feed into other services such as drug and alcohol services and tying in with services such as the Chapman Barker Unit (detoxification inpatient unit) where we will develop a model pathway to pilot.

We will also look to redesign our Trauma-Informed Training, with our co-production panel working with GM Mental Health Trust to look at this provision.

Also on the topic of mental health, a Local Learning Partnership has been set up in Bury looking at Mental Health services and support, which involves people with lived experience obtaining feedback from people trying to access mental health support.

We will also review and promote community services that can be used to meet people’s mental health needs.

Introduce a No Surprises policy, and continue to improve staff training

Working group with people with lived experience, we will look to develop a good practice charter around this issue that re-enforces good practice in terms of trauma informed approaches.

The charter will be initially developed for the GMHF pilot but the intention is to get other programmes to sign up and adhere to its principles.

Good Landlord scheme

The panel concluded that this was already being progressed by the the Fair Housing Futures scheme. The initiative is aimed at improving the experience of renting for vulnerable tenants in Greater Manchester, by striving to improve housing policy, practice, and options.

Budget ring-fenced for community-designed neighbourhood building

Matt Kidd (from Creative Inclusions) and Emily Cole (GMHF Programme Lead) are meeting with Red Rose Recovery to gain learning from the approach they use in Lancashire and will also be looking at community investment approaches used by social housing providers and Achieve’s community budget as research.

We will feed back to update readers as to how each of the areas are progressing in the New Year.

Once again, we would like to thank organisers, colleagues, actors, support staff and audience for making the performance happen in the most difficult of circumstances and helping to start the conversation to bring about meaningful systemic change.


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