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The Regional Evaluation of GMHF - read the reports

We are pleased to release an in depth and focused evaluation report on the Greater Manchester Housing First Pilot. This timely research was commissioned to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the impact and benefit of implementing Housing First for individuals in Greater Manchester?

  2. What is the impact of Housing First on reducing repeat and recurring instances of homelessness in Greater Manchester?

  3. Is it effective to continue to invest in the Housing First model in Greater Manchester?

  4. What benefits come from the regional partnership approach to delivery?

Along side these four vital question the report seeks to understand how to implement Housing First in the GM context and to make recommendation about best practices and approaches to delivering a High Fidelity Housing First Service across all 10 boroughs that make up Great Manchester.

As part of this research the investigators have analysed several case studies with a view to providing an insight as to the cost effectiveness of the Housing First Intervention, contrasting a person on GMHF with their immediate past before referral to the pilot. From this the researchers have compiled some indicative costs to the public purse both before and after the persons was referred to GMHF.

At this time we are waiting to hear what the governments next steps are around funding HF interventions in England and have released this research to show what can be achieved when High Fidelity Housing First service are commissioned in England and delivered using a partnership approach.


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